Blueberry & Lavender – Infruition

Blueberry & Lavender

INGREDIENTS: 8 blueberries, a sprig of lavender

BOTTLES: 1-2 (possibly more if you drink fast and like a subtle flavour!)

COST:  About 31p a bottle

METHOD: Slice your blueberries in half and add into your fruit infused chamber with a small amount of lavender. You may want to place the lavender at the bottom of your chamber to ensure no pips make it to the mouth piece.

Lavender is best known for helping aid sleep - making this a great evening fruit infusion.It is also great for skin! Blueberries is a wonder anti-oxidant, if it was cheaper - we are sure it would be more popular!


Don't have a fruit infusing water bottle yet? Head over to our Infruition shop to choose the perfect fruit infusing bottle for you.

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